There are two types of standard transistors, NPN and PNP, with different circuit symbols. The letters refer to the layers of semiconductor material used to make the transistor. Most transistors used today are NPN type because this is the easiest of the two to make.
If there is no current through the base of the transistor, it shuts off like an open switch and prevents current through the collector. If there is a base current, then the transistor turns on like a closed switch and allows a current through the collector.
- Bipolar transistors are so named because the controlled
current must go through two types of semiconductor material: P and
N. The current consists of both electron and hole flow, in different
parts of the transistor.
- Bipolar transistors consist of either a P-N-P or an N-P-N
semiconductor "sandwich" structure.
- The three leads of a bipolar transistor are called the
Emitter, Base, and Collector.
- Transistors function as current regulators by allowing a
small current to control a larger current. The amount of current
allowed between collector and emitter is primarily determined by the
amount of current moving between base and emitter.
- In order for a transistor to properly function as a current
regulator, the controlling (base) current and the controlled
(collector) currents must be going in the proper directions: meshing
additively at the emitter and going against the emitter arrow
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