Physics Notes: The Digital Future
Communications are changing.
Mobile phone signals, radio and television have, or will soon be
switching over from analogue to digital technology.
Analogue signals vary
continuously. They are very prone to interference, because it is hard
to separate the original signal from spurious signals.
Digital signals consist of a
stream of zeros and ones - basically off and on. The signal to be
transmitted is changed into a stream of zeros and ones by sampling
the signal many times per second. The signal sent does not include
only the information that is transmitted, but also extra information
(also in the form of zeros and ones) which enables any error in the
signal (which shows up as a zero being sent being received as a one)
that means this error can be easily detected and corrected. This
means no loss in the quality of the signal between being transmitted
and received, because although errors may creep in very easily -
because as the signal travels along, it gets weaker, so noise becomes
relatively more important – digital signals are much easier to
process and the errors are easier to detect than with analogue
Radio, television and mobile phone calls all used to be
transmitted as analogue signals. This restricted the amount of
information that could be transmitted, made them prone to
interference, and also meant in the case of mobile phones, that
signals were difficult to make secure and easy to eavesdrop. Digital
signals are easy to encrypt, so can be made very secure. At the
receiving end, the sigmals can be unencrypted as required, and
decoded – turned back into analogue signals.
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